Friday, May 25, 2007

Preparing for ISOM and Cindy's Medical Oppotunities

These last 6 weeks have been spent preparing for the beginning of the ISOM ( International School of Ministry) here in Nicaragua. As mentioned in our last update, Bryan and Mily Hutson have agreed to host the school in their home church, Vida Abundante Managua. Bryan and Mily are EFI missionaries who have been here in Nicaragua for 6 years. Having a Bible College in their church was a desire that the Lord had put in their hearts even before we came. We have had a great working relationship with them and the Lord had given us some wonderful friends in the process. We really could not have accomplished what has been accomplished in the last 6 weeks without them! Vida Abundante Managua is located in downtown Managua and is very central. It is a perfect location for people to travel to, as it is close to a major bus stop. Another plus is that it even has AC!Over the last few weeks we have had fliers printed and distributed around town, workbooks and syllabi are at the printers, banners have been made and hung, and we have begun to accept registration. We also have advertisement on a local Christian radio station, Mark has shared at another church about the college, and the secretary at Vida Abundante is calling the list of pastors from the EFI conference that was held in November to let them know the specifics about the school. To date we have 9 people who have signed up and paid their registration fee. We are praying for at least 30 people.We would like to take this time to thank Pastor Carl Morris and the congregation of Abundant Life Church in Florence, S.C. Pastor Morris is Bryan and Mily's pastor from the States and has been so supportive both spiritually and financially. His church has provided the funds for much of the advertisement (fliers, radio, and banners) and for the tables for the school. Thank you so much!The format and pricing of the school are as follows:There are 5 quadrimesters ( 20 months total)Classes meet 3 days a month: Thursday- 6-9pm, Friday- 6-9 pm, and Saturday- 9:30 am - 5:30 pm with a break for lunch. (lunch will be catered by a local fretonga)Each student pays a 100 cordobas registration fee each quadrimester and then 200 cordobas/ month. This translates to $12.50/ month total in American dollars.We have compared this pricing to other Christian schools in Managua and it is considerably lower. We do have a few partial scholarships available for some students. If anyone is interested in helping a student with their degree you can contact us via email or send the money to the EFI address listed here on our Blog in the contact information. Make sure that on your check you designate that it is for a student of ISOM.

We are also continuing with our Spanish studies and are reminded every day of how much we still have to learn! We will keep plugging away though, because we see how important it is to be able to communicate with people in their own language. Please continue to pray for our language acquisition.

Last week Cindy had the opportunity to visit the La Mascota Childrens Hospital. The initail plan was for her to observe a pediatric heart surgery, but after she arrived the case was canceled. She was still able to take a tour of the hospital and talk with Dr. Fenton. Dr. Fenton is a pediatric Cardiovascular Surgeon from the United States. She arrived here in Nicaragua in December,2006 and is planning to be here for 2 years. She is here to help start a Pediatric Heart Surgery Program at this hospital. Cindy is very interested in her work and we do not feel that their meeting was by accident. We will see how the Lord works in this situation.

All of the children are doing well. They all received great marks on their first report cards here. Stephen and Luke are finished with their Basketball and Soccer seasons and Philip just had his second soccer game last week. Markie did not play any sports this time around, but is very interested in playing volley ball next year. They are all enjoying our puppy, Gabi, and they are trying to teach her basic obedience. So far she knows how to sit and lay down. If anyone knows how to train a puppy not to chew up electrical lights please let us know.Thank you all for your prayers and support for us. We love you and know that we would not be here doing the Lord's work if it were not for you. We are honored to be your representatives here in Nicaragua.We Love You!The Quillens
Posted by ********** at 6:27 PM
Angie Wells said...
Hi, Quillens!Never a dull moment...sounds like you all have plenty to do. Tell Markie to "go for it" in volleyball. That was my sport from middle school through high school!! FUN! The madness continues around our house! Our basement flooded about 3 weeks ago. Pushed my mom out of her basement home a little sooner that we had planned. She's upstairs in the boys old room waiting patiently for her addition to be complete. Our pool is also getting a total makeover, so we haven't had the pleasure of taking a dip yet. We are waiting to see if we have a new pastor at church. THe board invited someone back last Sunday and interviewed, etc. I'm excited to see how it all plays out. Love and miss you!Angie
May 8, 2007 3:44 PM
Guy4God said...
Hey Quillens! I am SO EXCITED about coming to see ya'll on the 29th of July! I cannot wait! Only 29 more days 'til I'll see ya'll for the first time in 7 months! I love ya'll so much and I thank ya'll for spreading the Word of God in a place where I can't personally reach! Thanks for your heart! I'm sure that the new leadership at our church will be a great addition to the church and the mission field! I know that Mr. Langley will help ya'll in any way he can! Thanks again! I love ya'll so much! See ya very soon! Keep in touch and God Bless!
June 30, 2007 9:06 PM
Guy4God said...
Ohh....sry! I forgot to put my name! LOL! That was from Graham! Ha ha! I'll see ya soon! Thanks so much for all ya'll do! Lots of love! GOD bless!
June 30, 2007 9:07 PM
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