Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Special Visit!

Monday, February 26, 2007
Dear family and friends,

As you know there is nothing more special than a good friend. You know the Bible says that a friend sticks closer than a brother and is with you at all times. We have many friends that we know are this to us. Money can't buy those relationships and when money is gone, things are gone, entertainment is gone, the relationships we have will still be there. One of Cindy's such friends, Karen McBride appeared on our door step here in Nicaragua last week just to encourage and love on Cindy! What a friend! How special it was to have Karen with us for those few days and how special it was for so many of you to send the gifts, food, etc. We are enjoying some of the comforts of home such as pop tarts, candy, zax sauce, and yes even bedspreads from home! We had so many special items. It meant more that you realize. When you see Karen ask her directions to , well anywhere, and I'll bet she'll say, "recto!" Oh, and please don't ask Yvette to pick out any peanut butter for you. It could be hazardous to your health!:) Yvette, thanks for your attempt at sending Peanut Butter. Who would have thought that the one she sent would have the recall lot number!

I want to share with you what I sense about this country and therefore why we chose to come here to Nicaragua. Even though eight weeks have passed since moving here I find myself at times thinking "why in the world did I uproot my wonderful children and precious wife and move to a third world country that is so different in every way from what we have always known and experienced." In the U.S. our children were very successful in school and in extra curricular activities plus the opportunities they were afforded back home were plentiful. We were part of a wonderful church. We were close to many wonderful friends and we worked for great organizations with great people. Why would I do such a thing? This move has rearranged much for my family. In a sense they are having to start over. For that I feel like I'm hanging in the balance and looking at both sides of the coin. On one side, feeling so guilty to put them through the difficulties of a new place, culture, school, language, friends, etc. and on the other side of the coin it could be that they will grow and develop a sense of purpose and a perspective that will strengthen both their relationship with the Lord and their future life pursuits.For years Cindy and I have for some reason been drawn to the people of other countries. Sometimes we feel like we can sense God's outstretched longing arms towards the Nations because He is for all people and the time of His return and judgement is coming soon. He doesn't want anyone to be on the other side of salvation. He "came to seek and to save the lost." In a way that I can't fully explain this burden became more real than ever in October of 2005. It continued to swell until we had to take tangible steps in response. Coming to Nicaragua is a step in response to what we feel to be God's heart for a Nation that is about to experience an outpouring of God's true and sovereign presence and a revival of lost souls that will change and shake this and other Nations. We feel that God may possibly allow us to experience what He is doing and is about to pour out in this country. We also know that if we remain totally open and yielded to God in every way in our personal lives that, as we make ourselves available to serve, He will do a new and fresh work in us and will fill us over and over and over with His fresh fire and passion. Right now we want to see it happen and be a part of it all and to a degree we are, but the day to day reality is that we are still learning the language, attempting to understand the culture and navigate our way around.

Some things that are making us feel like we are at least making some progress are that I did get to speak at the Nicaraguan Christian Academy Chapel service for the K through 6th grades. I have recently put together several rough drafts of activities and short devotions for the children at the orphanage and I hope to share these with them as I have access to an interpreter who can accompany me there. I plan to do this on a regular basis. I am also looking at moving forward in acquiring the rights to the International School of Ministry curriculum which would be the essence of the training centers that we would work to establish in churches throughout Nicaragua. Tim Bagwell has had several calls from Pastors expressing interest and will begin forwarding them on to me to follow-up with. The main thing I need to do is purchase the rights, and obtain the materials so that I can begin to copy the DVDs and create workbooks. There are other things we really want to do in the future such as possibly being a part of a church plant, growing and developing EFI here in Nicaragua, hosting teams, etc. but we just need to exercise patience.We are so excited about the purposes of God and His call to all people. God Bless you and please don't hesitate to contact us if we can do anything for you.Love,Mark Quillen (on behalf of all the Quillens)
Posted by ********** at 7:38 PM
Sabrina said...
Mark, thanks so much for sharing your heart! Just reading your words give me a renewed sense of God's purpose for me :)FYI - Natalie had her baby last week... check my blog for some pictures :)Many blessings!!
February 27, 2007 3:18 PM
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